Shout Out Saturday: Dr. Bronner’s

So on this snowy midwestern Saturday I would like to give a shout out to my favorite brand of soap…. Dr. Bronners! Not only does this stuff have me feeling supa dupa squeaky clean and fresh, but it also is also eco-friendly and promotes one love♥ with its  core philosophy.


“The 30,000+ words spread across our soap labels represent Dr. Bronner’s life’s work of searching every religion and philosophy for “Full Truths,” which can be summed up in two sentences:

  1. “We are all brothers and sisters, and we should take care of each other and Spaceship Earth!”
  2. “Constructive Capitalism is where you share the profits with the workers and the Earth from which you made it!”

This core philosophy continues to guide our business practices today.  We see our company as a means to create resources to help build a better world for everyone.”Dr. Bronner’s site

Whats your favorite soap and why? 

One Love  PhenoMeJMarie

The Pursuit of “Successful Happiness”

The Goal

Is it  happiness or “successful happiness“that I am  really on the pursuit of?

Am I  unsuccessfully pursing a shared dream…a social idea… a cultural vision, of happiness…?

Could individualizing success, clarify my journey and increase the outcome of achieving my tailored pursuit?



 If successful happiness is being successful  because your happy…What brings you joy? 

Till next time

One Love 


New year… New me

The new year for me, represents a time to REFLECT on how I have elevated my self during the past year and a time to ENVISION how I will be my best-self in the coming year!

*snippet* Reflection Of My Elevation: I started 2013 out grateful for a much needed job!  As the year progressed I desired not just a J.O.B but work that was fulfilling…The search began and a little after my birthday I started working at my alma mater LaFollette High school. It’s been sort of twighlightish, but pretty cool non the less.

Noticing: My balance shifted significantly from the job change and because of that many areas in my life were neglected or scarified in the midst of my juggling act. Through my reflection this is an area that will be a priority focus in the coming year.

Envisioning My Best-Self:  For 2014 “I’m goin in” and being smarter not working harder about manifesting my best-self…I have my warrior paint on and I’m F.O.C.U.S.E.D- Following on course until successful!  This year my goal is to put practical theories  of ways to better the self to the test. I will create a vision wall to provide direction and be clear about what I would like to holistically accomplish this year. The plan is to create new habits and set weekly goals to focus on my present self! 

What steps did you take to make this year your best year? 

One love PhenMeJMarie

What's your contribution to the world?

So if you know me you know I don’t have cable (because I don’t want cable) and I live for Netflix!

One of my first favs was ” A Good Day to be Black and Sexy” The film explores the subject of sexuality and relationships within the black community in a collection of six vignettes.

But what I remember most is a scene where a young dark chocolate girl poses the question “Whats your contribution to the world” to this little dusty boy trying to push up on her.

Those powerful words have stayed with me for years. As I travel along through my journey of life I am committed to consciously discovering and living out my purpose!

So I ask you…”whats your contribution”?

TBT: Little Me

This is one of my favorite pics of me…You cant see, but I’m wearing this fly sailor jumper and giving plenty personality as I crossed my legs with my hand on my hip!

This throwback inspired some reflection, as I am faced with the reality that my daughter is about to turn ONE. Along with the fact that my high school teachers are currently my employees (crazy weird). Whoever created the saying “time flies” I just want you to know that that’s a serious understatement!

When I look back, I’m thankful that I’m not who I was, blessed for who I am and grateful that the best me is yet to be!

Taking time to reflect and analyze my life, has been transformative in my growth. I am determined to not live my life in vain. I try not to value things as good or bad, but just as experiences that shape my understanding of life …As long as I am open to receiving them.

What was your last reflection about?

natural hair dolls

So today was a chill normal day…Wished my brother a happy 26th B-day. Purchased natural hair dolls for my daughters b-day. Worked my lovely 9-5 then headed to my sisters for a quick hair touch up before some spiritual enlightenment (aka bible study).

While I was at my sissies I was talking to my niece about her first day of 1st grade. She was telling me that she was the only brown girl in her class and that she wanted to be white 😦

In a seemingly unsuccessful brief attempt, I tried to explain to her that her skin was beautiful because it has history, it had a story and its a blessing to not look like everyone else.


It was a huge reminder of how important SELF LOVE education is …and how its never to early to start!

SN: On a lighter note…This post helps me rationalize spending way to much on them gorgeous natural hair dolls for my mini me lbs.

What makes your brown beautiful?? 

First Day Photo

Sooo I started working at my old high school in June and its been crazy surreal having my old teachers as co-workers. It puts time into perspective…Seems like just yesterday I was a student in these same hallways stressin about what I would wear for the first day.

Even though I wasn’t worried about my fit, I did have new hair I was excited about 🙂 I had my sister do these sexy lock extensions I have been wanting forever. I got them as a protective style for my fro I’ve been neglecting. BUT I’m kind of in love and thinking about making them permeant …just a bit smaller.

For everyone that started school today or tomorrow I hope you have a great first week!

up do full pic

Lorax For Learning

ACT (my daughters initials) and I usually use our saturday mornings to snuggle up and watch a movie. Today’s choice was Dr. Seuse The Lorax! Which can be used to help kids appreciate the environment.

Im excited to be able to use our morning movies as teaching tools when she is able to comprehend. If she was older I would plan for us to take a bike rid in the Arboretum or have lunch at picknick point or visit Olbrich Gardens and see the butterfly exhibit. To continue the lesson of appreciating our beloved mother earth.

Though I am itching to get out of this city, I must admit that I have grown to appreciate it’s beauty. Since ACT is not quite ready to grasp all of that, todays outdoor activities will consist of a trip to the Will Street co-op for mommy. Be on the look out for our exciting purchases 🙂

Flowers for Friday

Today was lovely to say the least … for no particular reason really!

Worked a full day, Its still super weirdo to be working at my old high-school. I discovered Monday was labor day! Found out that white people can also be displeased with the fact they also work with almost all white people. (not hate, just appreciate diversity).

My mother invited ACT (my daughters initials) and I to an event called Dane Dances, which is suppose to be live music on the roof top of this beautiful building with an amazballs view…But due to the possibility of rain the event was moved in doors.

WEAK…So we had a photo opp outside and called it a day….quite a lovely day might I add 🙂

Jada Pinkett- Smith: Speaking Truth


This week I started refining the focus of my blog, which included adding a Lala’s mama page. My daughters name is Alana and bettering myself everyday so that she can have an example to look up to, be proud of and learn from is my mission in life.

One of my inspirations is Ms. Jada Pinkett Smith (the whole Smith family really) because of her poise, wisdom and fearless approach to life. With the Huxtable’s not far behind, the Pinkett-Smith family is truly an inspiring example for me.

Watch this video to see why…No explanation needed….I was sobbing within 1 minute btw.  ENJOY

Be love, seek truth, find purpose